UAE players charged for breaching ICC's anti-corruption code

Updated: Wed, Oct 16 2019 22:30 IST

Dubai, Oct 16: Three UAE players -- Mohammed Naveed, Qadeer Ahmed and Shaiman Anwar -- and a participant in cricket from Ajman have been provisionally suspended after being found guilty of breaching the ICC anti-corruption rules.

Mohammed Naveed has been charged with the following two breaches of the ICC Anti-Corruption Code - 2.1.1 and 2.4.4. He has also been charged with a further two breaches of the Emirates Cricket Board Code for the T10 League.

Qadeer Ahmed Khan has been charged with six breaches of the ICC Code -- 2.4.4, 2.3.2 , 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6 and 2.4.7.

Shaiman Anwar Butt has been charged for breaching two ICC codes -- 2.1.1 and 2.4.4.

Mehardeep Chhayakar, who has participated in cricket in Ajman, has been charged with
breach of article 2.4.6.

The players have 14 days from October 16 to respond to the charges. The ICC will not make any further comment in respect of these charges at this stage.


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